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Lifestyle Management

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Colombo MBA Alumni Association conducted an evening talk on "Lifestyle Management" at the Royal Colombo Golf Club on 28th of September 2006, targeting today's busy executive and professional. The resource person at the seminar was Mr. Mike Chomley, a well known specialist in health and lifestyle management.

 About 50 persons participated the event which was followed up by a lengthy question and answer session. "People tend to forget their lifestyle when they feel fit but when health problems crop up it may be too late to address it" Chomley said, emphasizing that "the way youmanage your lifestyle between 35 to 45 yrs is especially important."

 He spoke at length on the topics of EXERCISE, DIET, ASSESSMENT and CONTROLING STRESS clearing many popular myths on the above areas and discussed latest research findings. The participants were encouraged to think about work/life balance solutions which would result in more time and energy to spend on the meaningful things in life family, friends, rest, leisure activities, career, and self-enrichment.

 The event was followed by cocktails at the upper terrace of the Golf Club which facilitated fellowship among the members. CMB AAA took this opportunity to bid farewell to Dharme, our past President on his departure to UK on 29th September


Get FIT and sustain it

Give up Smoking

If you don't smoke you can pat yourself on the back. Smoking is the number one enemy for undermining any fitness program. Around one in every six deaths in the US is related in some way to smoking. Over 300,000 deaths a year occur as a direct result of smoking. Circulatory problems caused by smoking can lead to amputations, heart disease and strokes. Breathing problems like bronchitis and emphysema are caused or made worse by smoking. It's never too late to stop smoking so if you only pick one feature from the GET FIT list this year this must be at the top of the list.

Exercise Daily

You don't need to look far to find a world of information about exercise plans. Some magazines and websites talk of little else so it may seem like a complex and unappealing option. Stripped to its bear essentials we are really looking for some system that gets you working for about 30 minutes for around 3-4 times a week. Exercise need not be a formal activity in the sense of solemnly putting on track shoes and sporting gear, it can be built into your normal everyday activities such as walking briskly rather than strolling, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Anything that is aerobic, such as walking, swimming, cross­country skiing, rowing, rope skipping, dancing, racket sports, and cycling helps keep the heart healthy. Ideally build up to apoint where your exercise breaks you into a sweat but not so hard that you can't hold a conversation ( a good ball park heart rate is 220 - Your age = predicted maximum heart rate. 65-75 % of this figure is your optimum fat reduction level). It is a good idea to seek medical advice if you plan to embark on a 'serious' exercise program.

A basic structured program should consist of:

1. 3-5 minute warm-up starting from rest and gradually building intensity (heart rate)

2. 5 minute stretch routine involving all major muscle groups and focusing on hamstrings (Backcare) hold stretches for 15-30 seconds.

3. 20 30 minutes of low to moderate intensity aerobic activity (walking is better than jogging or squash!)

4. 5 minutes of abdominal strengthening exercises (Back-care)

5. Repeat the warm up stretch routine but hold stretches for 30 seconds.


Tooth Care

You may think this a strange addition to a get-fit plan but consider for a moment the impact your dental hygiene can have on you and other people. Regular check-ups help to prevent dental decay and gum disease. Good dental practices helps prevent bad breath and reduces the chances that you will need extractions or dentures. One of the first things people look at during a meet- and-greet is teeth. Great teeth can make you a more appealing person to talk to and look at. In turn this can make you more confident and more able to network socially (and sexually).

Fight the Flab

You've been away a long time if you haven't heard that we're generally overweight and eating the wrong stuff! Even of you're not overweight you might consider whether your diet is as balanced as it might be. Obesity puts pressure on the heart and is implicated in cancers, varicose veins, gallbladder disease, high blood pressure and strokes. We all know that dieting takes away one of the pleasures of life, which in turn means that it is very unlikely to be sustained for any period of time, so instead think 'change', reducing fat, sodium, sugars and calories and increasing fiber through vegetables and fruit are good basic guidelines.Coupled with exercise, you are on a ure path to losing weight and getting fit. Ensure that you make subtle changes over a long period of time that way you are more likely to sustain the change. If you are serious about dietary change, particularly because of amedical problem.


Increase Awareness

In general terms men are pretty unaware of their bodies and how health and welfare work together. Many men have no idea of their current health status, how to measure it, what to look for or where to turn to for advice if they need it. Men will put up with levels of discomfort or concern that most women find extremely puzzling. The fact that you are reading this suggests you may not be in this category, or you are at least interested in learning more. Keep it up - knowledge is power. AEE men over thirty should have an annual Health and Fitness Assessment. This will entail basic Health screens such as Blood lipid profile, Blood sugar check. Overall blood profile. Blood pressure check. Prostrate screen, skin cancer check, a lung function test and often an ECG stress test. As well a fitness component should be involved measuring such things as Body composition, Back pain risk (Flexibility and abdominal strength) aerobic fitness, functional strength and a subjective stress analysis remember the old adage 'prevention is better than cure'. I always ask people how much they spend having their car serviced (screened) annually serviced NOT repaired then compare that with how much you spend having your body serviced (screened). Which is more important?


Tension Tactics

When issues in life outstrip a person's ability to deal with them effectively we call this stress. Stress is a normal fact of life but if left unchecked can lead to psychological and/or physical illness. Understanding what causes you stress may not make it go away but it can achieve a sense of mastery and therefore control over your life. When under stress problems can become exaggerated. The negative effects come not from the stress you are exposed to but more from the way you manage that stress, some people find relief from stress reducing methods like relaxation, yoga, meditation or artistic pursuits, others find relief through vigorous exercise, martial arts or boxercise, at best stress management is a very personal thing, what works for one may not necessarily work for another. Be open to experimentation to see what works for you.